Welcome to "Navigating the Mind of Christ Across Cultures"
Jan. 16, 2024

Cultura Crossing: Interview with Sarah Green Schwarz on Eternal Nature of the Soul

We are thrilled to welcome Sarah Grace, also known as Sarah Amazing Grace, to our podcast! Sarah is a beacon of unwavering faith and resilience, and we can't wait to not just hear her incredible story but also her revelations of truth about a redeemed...

This podcast episode features a guest, Sarah Green, who shares her journey of redemption. The hosts discuss the importance of the soul’s redemption and the role of Jesus in this process.


  • 🙏 The hosts begin with a prayer, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide the conversation.
  • 💡 Sarah Green shares her personal background and how Jesus found her when she was 17 years old.
  • 🎙️ Sarah talks about her podcast called “The Remedy” and how it was born out of the pandemic.
  • 💒 The hosts emphasize that Jesus is the redeemer of lost souls and that faith and trust in Him are essential for redemption.
  • 🌟 They discuss the concept of hope deferred and the importance of placing hope in God’s promises.
  • ✨ The hosts provide steps to come out of a place of hopelessness, including speaking truth to oneself and building upon the hope found in Jesus.
  • 📖 They mention reading through the Psalms as a source of encouragement, as even King David experienced moments of hopelessness.

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[Music] okay we're back on welcome to Cultura Crossing podcast today we're excited we have a special guest Sarah Green who also has her own podcast called remedy and today we're going to talk about a soul that is redeemed now as I saying before I am going to try to stay on that topic but we're going to let the Holy Spirit lead hey Sarah hey can you hear me yes oh great good yes it's working yay I love when technology Works H my name is Sarah Grace to anyone who may not uh listen to my podcast
maybe you do my podcast is called the remedy with Sarah Amazing Grace not because I'm amazing but because I'm saved by The Amazing Grace that um has brought me through many dangers toils and snares so um anyway thank you so much for having me I'm uh really uh honored to be here yeah we're excited to see what the holy spirit is going to have um have a say today yeah me too if you don't mind praying Us in I'm trying to log us into Instagram okay sounds good Heavenly Father we come before you
Lord we pray that you would be glorified with what is Spoken Here Holy Spirit we invite you to come and fill us fill our mouths Holy Spirit um with what you would have the people here and um Lord we just want to bring you glory honor and praise every day and in every way amen amen so I'm on this journey um that I've been inviting everyone into which is the Eternal nature of the soul and um it breaks down into different topics and this one um as per our conversation was the one that I felt that the Lord was leading us into
because I believe that you are fit to talk about the redeeming of the Redemption of the soul and so if we should start with at least your background so my background is that um I was uh Jesus came and found me when I was 17 years old in um a bathroom in Loi California I was high and the Lord found me I was on a vision quest to find out what the truth was my whole um life my really but um coming into adulthood it was to find out what is the truth and not the truth as I see it because really there is only one truth and everything
else is just opinion and so um uh as I was on this quest to find out what truth is truth who Jesus is Jesus says that he is the way he is the truth not a truth he's the truth and he's life and the truth found me and so um from that time on I went hard after the Lord and um was uh went into ministry music Ministry um and praise and worship uh um band and traveled around in praise and worship um uh leading and then uh also teaching Bible studies and um have been a student myself even though I uh teach uh um the
Bible I am still a student every single day so many times I have heard people say well I've read the Bible yes I read it when I was in school I read the Bible I've read it there's no such thing as having read the Bible period and you know it the Bible is like an onion it is alive the word of God is alive you can read something 10 years ago and the Holy Spirit who is The Interpreter the holy spirit is the teacher and he comes in and shows you something um uh and then 10 years later you read the exact same
thing maybe even not even 10 years later the next week and something more is revealed and it's so incredible I mean there isn't a book out there that is alive like the word of God so anyway that's where I coming from I have a podcast called the remedy and born out of the pandemic when everyone was searching for a remedy like how we need we need a an injection or we need a pill or how do we let's live in fear until we have the remedy but all the while evil was seeping into every corner of of every uh uh even the streets
coming into your homes and um while I feel like the devil has covertly been in entertainment and uh covertly been in our government the covers have been pulled back and the curtains have opened and those with eyes to see can see behind and it's not covert anymore it's completely overt that the enemy is out there and so um I just went the world needs a remedy but the remedy is Jesus right um so that is where my podcast was born out of that and so um anyway and so that is my speaking engagements and and
things like that that I go on it's all about Jesus and that is that's what I'm about is about the Redeemer you know who is Jesus the Redeemer of Souls which really if we're going to get into the Redemption of the soul that is why Jesus came he came to redeem that which was lost and you know so many people want to focus on well you know don't judge and Jesus said he didn't come in the world to condemn but the world was already condemned it was already lost which is why when he came as the Redeemer to redeem that
which was lost um the Bible says and so um Jesus is the Redeemer of us our lost souls and so that is why he is the way he is the way that um our souls can be redeemed we can't redeem them ourselves we can't work our way into heaven uh we can't work our way into Redemption we can't work our way into um cleaning our our souls of you know past you know whatever Discretions we can't the only way that we can be redeem redeemed the only way that you can be redeemed today is by faith and trust in who Jesus said he was which is
um he said that he is the I am and um so that anyway so talking about the Redemptive of a soul yeah can you sell your soul I don't know how all of that works if somebody sells their soul they they can't and the the the why I say that they they can't is because they don't own it to sell um the uh um the price was paid and you you were bought and paid for with the blood of Jesus and so um it doesn't matter how far down you've gone it doesn't matter um because nowhere is too far for the she
the Good Shepherd to come after the one it says that he'll leave the 99 to go after the one and um if you're watching today and you're the one just know that he's coming for you he's coming for you to save you and that is so true I think that um we both kind of share the same testimony when it comes to um how the Lord found us it wasn't in a place where I was in a church it was in my dark my darkness it was right there where you know we were dabbling into the world and he began to call me and it was
um he started it started off with me feeling like there was something bigger than what I was living yeah and it started bothering me and I was starting to wake up every day and I'm like there's got to be more than what I'm living in right now and that process that seed was the foundation of his entrance into my life and you know we don't have any clue but I do know this that God is unlimited and when he calls he calls and when you're when you're chosen you're chosen and and there's really nothing much you can do
but either be tormented by the phone call or be tormented by being chosen because it will always find you yeah God will always show up and some kind of form whether conversation whether you know a person a place God will keep showing up until you respond to that call and um as you're saying that it just reminded me of like just thinking about that moment in my life where I was like you know I was Catholic you know but I knew Jesus I didn't pray to Mary I prayed to Jesus it was the weirdest thing because I I was going to school in
Catholic you know we went to church in Catholic we went on our holidays we got drunk on Saturday went on Sunday and so you know that was that is a typical life when you don't have a relationship with Christ but God you know he just shows up to redeem the soul yes and it's his to redeem when it yeah when when you are his um he he stands at the door and he knocks and you know I I often think of that like Edgar Allen Poe you know the Raven or you know the the the knock the pounding of the the beating heart I
don't know if you if you know that um that poem but or you know whatever anyway um but you know it's like the the pounding just keeps getting louder and for those who who know whove felt the call of the Lord you can ignore it and you can go on your Merry way and deep inside you're like I know it's the truth but I don't want to open the door yet the bottom line is is that um you know he's he's gonna he's not GNA give up he's not gonna give up and especially if somebody has prayed for you um if
someone has prayed for you to be saved or if you are praying for somebody right now to be saved I want to give you hope because um the word of God says that um that uh that God God will um give you uh what you ask for in prayer if it's within his will and it says that um it is God's will that none should perish so we know that it's God's will that none should perish and anything that we ask for in prayer if it's within God's will it will be done so anyway keep asking keep praying for the the ones that you
love that don't yet know Christ it's not your job to save them you aren't the holy spirit it's the holy spirit's job but the Holy Spirit does the job so well he knows his um he knows his kids and he'll go after he'll go after them and uh you know in in the most wonderful way because once you finally surrender to the Lord oh my gosh then your life can begin and so um you're you're calling all of that stuff it's incred incredible once you surrender to the Lord it really
is it's it's it is the way it's the way Jesus is the way so as we're talking I was thinking I'm like you know a lot of times when we walk with Christ in this journey we mature and we grow up um there's certain Avenues where we become um like you said like there's you're not the one that can do it for them and there's this this Avenue frustration where hope theer can come in on that yeah do you want to talk a little bit about um any wisdom on that hope deferred makes the heart sick
and it's so true that's um you know again the remedy is found in the word of God people read the Bible read the word of God it'll change your life it'll change your life but anyway the Bible says that hope deferred makes the heart sick and we need to have hope and the hope is well for for a lot of us we we um we want things to go a certain way and when we see our loved ones um and in their life they're making choices that are are really uh causing pain causing pain for them which then in turn cause
pain for you or um you know and and you just you see that things can be so much better how frustrating it is when they reject what um what you know is what you know is right right but God has no if it's your children God has no grandchildren each one of us have our own path and we have to come to the Lord on on our own on our on our own there is um you know uh your spouse your children it doesn't matter who they are each one of them has a path that is you know that they're on and it may not be the path that you uh
would have chosen and it does get very frustrating um and painful um I have people in my life that I love so much um and uh I don't know when that moment will come when the Holy Spirit takes them over and changes everything inside of them and it may be five minutes before they take their last breath my hope now is in the promise that the promise of God is true that anything that we ask for in prayer if if it's within the father's will it will be done and um we know that it is the Father's will that
none should perish so uh with with that hope that is where the hope would lie and anything else that you're putting your hope in your hope is going to be deferred your hope is going to make for a sick heart you know it's going to make for you to be so sad but putting your hope in the promises of God knowing that God I mean his word his spoken word his the word of God the word never returns void it will God always keeps his promises God is always faithful even when it doesn't look like even when you
can't see the forest you know through the trees just know that God is faithful and um life is hard God is good don't confuse the two right that's good um so if someone was actually already in her hope deferred what would be a recommendation of beginning steps to come out of that um the recommended steps would be to um first of all if you're in that place right now I'm sorry I I'm sorry my heart is with you I in my life have been in a place of absolute desperation and hopelessness and it is a terrible
feeling it's a terrible place to be and um the Lord doesn't want you to stay there um sometimes in the Dark Night of the Soul um that uh things can can come and and um you can uh find Revelation but more often than not that's the best place for the enemy to keep you ineffective so you're going to be in that place uh because you know it it um halts you in your calling there's all kinds of things and so the enemy wants to keep you there um where I would start is um telling yourself the truth and the
truth is um that uh in our minds if we speak the truth to oursel in our mind when we actively resist the devil he will flee and um that you know in our minds we um can start speaking truth the truth is um that there is hope and the hope is uh through the Redemption of Jesus and that you know and and little by little building upon that would bring you know will bring you out of that um that hopeless place I mean reading through psalms you find David you know King David and you think oh here's a king and you know he's a man after God's
Own Heart right God says but you know there's so many times in those psalms where uh David is so feels so hopeless and helpless and you know things are are not not um going well in those particular moments and so um that's that's I you know what I would start reading the Psalms I would um start speaking the name of Jesus over yourself and your life I would rebuke the enemy from um you know continuing to um you know cause this and I would I would reach out don't sit in silence alone uh inating with your thoughts um reach out
go to a friend you know who is a Believer go to your you know even your local church that you don't even have to maybe even be a a that may not even be where you are um a member or whatever go to a Bible believing Church trust me the Lord will meet you there somebody the Lord will send somebody and um you know he he is faithful that way and and you know Sarah how do you know that well I know that because throughout my life that has happened to me I've been places and right in that exact moment when I am
at just the end a amazing miraculous things people have been sent to me and alternately somehow the Lord uses me to have been that for you know some people in this life that I just happen to be at a certain place in a certain moment and so and and and um you know a lot of us can relate to that just like oh yeah that's right in certain moments things have happened in my life and somebody was there and the Lord will meet you there he'll send somebody you know it's just he's he's he hasn't abandoned you
he hasn't abandoned you the hope the Hope see you see me look over it's because I'm looking at the media stuff making sure everything is good yeah it's all good you're running the show I'm just uh CH I'm just chatting away so so um yeah the the the the hopelessness that we feel often times is because we've placed Our Hope in places that um uh are fallible and we've been let down and um and the um way to um the way to have hope even in a hopeless situation is to place your hope
in the one who holds the universe in his hands you know and so that that is um and it doesn't mean that that even when you place your Hope and Faith in in Jesus that things are are just peachy keen inside no um I've sustains huge losses in my in my life and I have survived just radical things but um uh the the hope you know my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus's blood and righteousness that old hymn says and so um um you know move your hope to a higher ground that's what I would say right yeah right yeah often I think
we've all come to that place and can relate with David about many things in Psalms um from grief to sadness to feeling overcomed um underpowered you know no victory yeah there there's just so many things that we can relate to and I just did a Blog on uh emotional intelligence going through the Psalms and um there's always a key there in anything we read in the Bible but in this particular one because hope deferred when it makes you sick you become weak you become fragile you become fragmented you become
double-minded um you know your faith is weird like waver like it's just waving back and forth so you are being tossed in the spirit because there's no Solid ground and you know uh we know this we know this from our journey I think everyone has to walk this thing out in all who are walking with Christ because it's all a learning process of maturing um the Bible says that you know when Jesus come comes back for a mature bride and right and the process of the journey with Christ is to mature as a bride to mature as the wife and so when
this happens it's actually a two-fold it's a fold of one I want you to stay in your ignorance so that I can Ru in rain and darkness right that's the wicked but two is like God's like I am trying to get you to understand that this very moment I need you to G up right I need you to come up and fight against what's happening in this moment in your life and um and if we don't understand that in our life right in that moment you can easily stay there for a while you know until until like you know there
is a 911 call or a surrender or a showing up somehow but if you stay there too long you're gonna find that you're going to become more sick and um make it really hard to get well right so when we're in that place and we find ourselves there especially and this is not to disregard men but women are very emotional and it's it's okay because we were we were we were created that way where there's purpose for our inner being being this way right there's nothing wrong with that and we can
dwindle in so many things from the past the future and the present and so with with that being said we have to go back and re like almost Breathe Again truth right because you're you're you're breathing in so much doubt and so much sickness that the only way to return is to say enough and I have to at least start eating some type of Crums right right out of the Bible so that I may live again and hope deferred is about the most hardest place that people enter into and often find themselves there years later yeah yeah
years later not why yeah yeah and I say that because I've had a few you know we do a lot of discipleship and um mentoring all of that good stuff and I have found and this is not to be you know to say anything foul or anything but a lot of the people that have come in Ministry were a lot older and I was given the the ability to disciple and Mentor which blew my mind because I'm like you know the Bible says they should be mentoring us and so yeah so that that was like weird for me because I'm like God the Bible says this but this is was
really happening and you know of course Holy Spirit Will Reveal why and it's because we've lost we lost generations of discipleship right and so now you know we've gotten to this age and we still don't know why we're here we've sat in hope that for all these years and that even made it worse because I didn't even know why God called me but here I am serving the church 20 25 years and still not live out the full destiny that was created before I was even existing on earth right because I existed in
heaven right and so um yeah get I I always recommend if it becomes too hard find a friend that is on fire that is walking in this faith that at at least has something to offer you when it comes to lifting you up to bring you out of that pit you know Proverbs says woe to the one who walks alone but not to the one who has a friend because they'll pull them up out of the pit right and so I I really recommend especially in in this time in this time we are entering in you must be around Fellowship you must be around Fellowship I I can't
emphasize that in enough um speaking of that I think you've even started a Bible study for women am I am I is that correct yes uhhuh yeah Wednesday night um will be the first one uh in our uh town that we uh live in and um there's been such a huge response because so many people I think feel disconnected even within their Church bodies that they go to um uh it's not the the Bible study that we're doing is not affiliated with any church or any curriculum the Bible study is just that it is going to
be reading the Bible together so many people even even when you've gone to Bible studies so many Christians so many Christians haven't read the Bible you know they they're what I call Meme Christian you know Bible readers or they're a seized candy you know like you never know what you're going to get just pick and choose which the ones you like and leave the ones behind but the ones that you don't know or you maybe you don't understand why God would have done something a certain way or I can't you
know understand this uh you know pray and ask the Lord for Revelation because he really does um reveal why um certain things I mean so not always he reveals why because like um Job chapter 38 is one of my one of my favorite uh chapters in The Bible and it is God laying the smackdown on job who you know job has gone through this incredibly immensely hard time right everybody knows oh I feel like job because you know job is synonymous with suffering immense suffering and um you know but but in Job chapter 38 I love
that um the passage because the passage is like who are you to question me who are you to say you know have you an eagle's wings to flight have you do are you the one who keeps the oceans within their borders are you the one who's you know these mountains you know at their Peak are you the one no you're not because you don't understand I can't even um I can't even express you or tell you why because you wouldn't understand and um oftentimes in our ignorance we are arrogant and um we're we're arrogant in
the sense that because we don't understand something therefore God must not be good or God doesn't know what he's doing or God is bad or God is whatever because a we don't see the big picture and B we couldn't comprehend the picture anyway so right um so what Job chapter 38 for me does is it goes okay and and I'm a control freak I'm a person who wants to be in control and my control freakness my freak my control freakiness has been born out of a life of huge traumas that I have been through
which makes me want to control so that that stuff doesn't happen again right and so um I fully recognize that that's how it is but when I read Job chapter 38 yeah it's God admonishing job like dude who are you to ask me why like who who do you think you are right but what that actually does for me is go I don't have to ask why and I don't have to know why I just have to trust that God is good that life is hard hard stuff's going to happen and I don't need to know why but I know that God does I know that he
keeps the oceans in in their borders I know that I draw breath in my lungs and I don't have to think about taking a breath I don't have to think about you know my heart like beat okay Heart Beat Again okay and then I get distracted doing dishes and oh now my heart stopped meting you know I don't have to think about that stuff because God has put that in motion he's got it in his hands and so for me it's comforting to know that God is sovereign and um uh in in my story in my past my husband and I we um
went uh on a journey to have children my whole life all I wanted to ever be was a mother and um uh when my husband and I got married that was immediately our path was to um have a baby and we we couldn't and um uh you know for for reasons that were uh out of our control and we ended up going down the path of of medical help to get pregnant and we did we got pregnant and we had 18 children and every one of our 18 children died um at at varying stages of um of life and development um in my womb and we had to bury 18 children and my
heart was absolutely um uh destroyed and devastated and that was Dark Night of My Soul um and I had to um uh well actually I didn't the Lord came to me in that place of total hope deferred makes the heart sick there is no uh fix for that hope that was broken our children were dead they were never coming back um we were never able to uh move forward after that we were done uh there was no more um children that uh would be had by me in this life and I could not possibly fathom that this was how my life was going to look because it
didn't look how I had envisioned my life I had envisioned being a mom with a bunch of kids and and knowing that that will never happen um was more than I could wrap my head around and fathom in this life that was absolute hopelessness but the Lord met me there and spoke to me saying someday you will know why and it'll be right what happened it doesn't seem right it doesn't make any sense to you doesn't make sense why you know I give you know kids to someone and they set their car on fire with their kids in it
but you don't get to have you know like those kind of things they creep into your mind and but the Lord but but the Lord spoke to me and he said someday Sarah you will know why and it'll be right and um but trust me and that is when we are on the other side someday whatever you're going through in your life someday you will know why and it'll be right when you the Bible says that right now we see things through a glass dimly right now we see uh you know through a dirty glass you're kind of
trying to peek and peer in there and like what do I see beyond there I see maybe some dusty Furniture is that a a ghost in there or is that a sheet pull over you can't you can't see it you don't have the picture but someday it says that we will see as as clearly as uh through a crystal or that we will be known at uh that we will know as we are fully known and um when we know um as we are fully known someday we will know and we will see the whole whole picture of everything oh wow that is why that rock had to drop into that
pond here so that the ripples a hundred years from now so and so something would happen who knows I don't know I don't know I don't have the answers for that but I have to know that the one who holds the oceans within its borders and who sets an eagles wings to flight the one who created heaven and earth and me and you and everything in it that he knows and that someday what he said to me is is true that someday I'll know why and it'll be right and so that uh for hopelessness is um um for me like as
I said Job chapter 38 it's that okay there is something so much greater there's a picture so much bigger that I can't even fathom right now and so it takes me outside of myself it takes me outside of the you know macro View view that you have of just your um your circumstances and it goes okay this is a bigger picture I don't know why this happened my life doesn't look like I I thought it would ever this is not what I ever dreamed would happen but you know I have to trust that God knows and um anyway so yeah that's that
you know hopelessness of the Soul um there is the remedy and the remedy is found in the word of God and um and not just in the Bible but in God's words when you seek him you know he does speak to you he does show you um and uh anyway so yeah that's good that's good for because I know there's um a few people that have gone through this J journey of you know what would they would consider Barren but um yeah there's a purpose purpose for everything and even this even this is hard this is hard because
you know being want Desiring to be the mother and Desiring to have children and then seeing these things happening in the world it's like do you understand like we want children and and so there isn't an answer now but there will be an answer when we get there and everything will be made right everything will be made whole and so it's good to to understand that instead of being upset with God instead of you know falling away from the faith or you know just being angry with him and falling into doubt um you just don't never know how
God's going to work all things out for our good right and we can close up doors of opportunities um that maybe we weren't thinking of but he already had written and we don't know what that looks like yeah we don't and so I like the fact that you're saying you know I had to clear clear clear my eyes clear them up and look another way to see what the Lord was doing so that I may live again yeah because again you know being sick hope deferred you know falling into hopelessness um and guys I know we're
talking about this and it's the Holy Spirit leading us it's very important important now in this for our nation that we get a grip on the reality and be honest with ourselves that hey am I really sick like am I really feeling hopeless do I have hope theer there's people losing families you're there's loved ones that are dying um things are happening to children and this is happening and so you know we're human and we are weak without him right and we need need him to strengthen us to G us
to to restore us to redeem us in these lost moments of our grief and I got to say that I think that the the common denominator that keeps coming up for me this week is grief and I don't think I'm I'm I'm the only one that's getting it there's a lot of other people are saying there's grief happening and I wasn't aware that it was happening to me and it's because we have to process the things that are happening in our life not just within our own emotions where we're sitting in it and and just no we
have to process them with the word we have to process them with God and even with people who are who are sound mind and mature and wisdom and I have I emphasize that when I say this because I I I'm not going to tell you to go and talk to a a friend who is in shambles who doesn't have their right their life in order and it's also seeking Christ because you're going to get you're going to get advice from their Brokenness right and you know the whole process of this journey and as Sarah's speaking
about it you know God had to bring her into a wholeness of this because this could have left a door open and so there had to be a journey of acceptance of this if if if there was not there would be an open door for Darkness because anything that's ignorant is dark and what we don't know is ignorance and so that that's the number one key that Satan uses is the lack of knowledge and that's why we perish and we have to not allow our soul to sit in a lack of knowledge we have to process our soul
with the Redeemer and allow him to bring Redemption to Lost Avenues of our life hurts pain um questions is okay to question I mean J questions God the problem with job is that he wanted an answer and God was like you're asking questions as if you are the I am you know like you're you're questioning me if you're God and there's a difference between questioning God as a child and saying I don't understand as opposed to I'm questioning you as I demand right so there's there's a there's a a motive in
the heart that God was addressing with job and you know they they said well job was found Innocent but job had Pride you know you will read through the scriptures there was some pride in job there was no way that that he wasn't walking it out like you'll find it if you read the chapters clearly and so th that that right there was the number one key that Satan believed that he was gonna have an Avenue with him you know and there was this one friend out of all and I I that one friend it was the only friend that can remind you of
Jesus he spoke truth truth wisdom and sound mind in the midst of everyone else's chatter about their doubt and insecurity about what was happening in Joe's life that's why I emphasize more now than ever that please if you're going to sit around sound wisdom find sound Minds so that you can have the appropriate you know Holy Spirit moment a revelation in your life for what you're going through in this moment and we are H I'm trying not to go there but I guess we're going to go there but we
are in a place that we haven't seen anything yet and we're going to see more of Darkness we're going to see more pain we're going to see more hurt people are going to need to be healed they're going to need Deliverance all these things are going to happen in increase and what is required right now is for God he's like a gathering what people always often refer to as the remnant and I always told people I don't understand why you run around talk about I'm a Remnant when you have no idea what a Remnant is
called to the remnant is called the cleanup crew there're the cleanup crew they come in to clean up we're coming in to clean up house whether is your temple whether is God's house whether it's the word whether it's you know the soul it doesn't matter we are always cleaning and that is the part that God has called us to it's like we are the purifying crew and so if we're saying we're remnants we're a part we're a a breed that God is calling up and grafting into see you might not be in the natural
right all like a mother but you could be mother to Nations right you know the Bible study could just be the beginning of what God is getting ready to bring you you into so when I when I hear you talk I'm like you know it's interesting because it's almost like I'm hearing a dorah and dorah stands by the tree and brings Justice and order into a nation wow prophesies sings declares victory over War right and so when I hear this that's what I see and I know that the Lord is calling you into this and I right now it
may seem as simple as I'm just going to do a Bible study but no you're getting ready to mother this nation and out of this will come more because that because the sound of justice that rings out of you it's it's a Holiness that will begin to cultivate a movement wow it will begin to restore wow and so yeah I just I guess a moment of prophesying yeah thank you thank you I receive that I receive it for the glory of God um because whatever is going to come out of um you know whatever is going to come
out of this is just I mean everything that I do uh is for the glory of God and the good of his people and like you were saying you know the remnant um yeah and and people they do they want to be uh part of the remnant listen if you want to um and whether and whether we're in the time frame you know historically that the remnant is okay or not if you are watching this if you are listening to this listen you are living in this time right now for a reason whether you're part of the remnant that's spoken
about in Revelation whether we're in that timeline or we're in something that looks similar to it I don't know I didn't write the story all I know is that I was chosen for this time period in life and so were you so you know Iris so were you we were chosen for a Time such as this speaking of dbor um we're chosen for you were chosen for a Time such as this so don't wait for you to be well is this the time if this is the time then I'm going to step up and be the remnant no get in the word of
God dig in know know the word of God I have hidden the word of God in my heart so that I won't sin against God listen that is what we need to do you need to put on the full armor of God the sword of the spirit is uh the word of God that's sharper than any two-edged sword and that is the sword that has the power to uh Pierce not just the body but the spirit and the Soul right this is what brings life this is what pierces through um people's hearts and souls is what is in the word of God and um you know I know
that there's a lot of people out there who love God um who um or who who know of God but you have not yet um you have not yet given your life fully over to him you have not um dug into uh his word to know what he says and to read even in the Old Testament what God's character really is there's I mean there's such an incredible picture of humanity and life and um and the love of God for his creation and um and I just really encourage you if you do want to be in that Remnant part of your armor is
knowing the word of God and um you know there's there's uh first you know if you want if you're if you think that you're a warrior and you're stepping into this you better be armored up and so you better read Ephesians chapter 6 that's what we talk about is that you know the the uh we're we aren't and we aren't even with our government and with World governments and these wars that are going on in the Middle East I mean the the Israel Middle East conflict is as old as Abraham's
children you know it's as old as Isaac and ishma this is nothing new um you know people you know standing against Israel nothing new I mean I bought the t-shirt it's faded like it's long long my whole life the Israel I mean a Middle East conflict has been going on it's been going on since essentially the beginning of of all of this it's it's been going on so um but all of that doesn't matter what's happening in the physical it's because it's all happening in the spiritual realm and if you want
to get in the spiritual battle read Ephesians chapter 6 chapter 6:2 says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities in Dark Places that is what we're wrestling against that is why I said listen the world needs a remedy and the remedy is Jesus because we're not wrestling against um uh the physical although it's manifesting in the physical it's a spiritual battle and so in Ephesians chapter 6 you'll find the breakdown of the armor you'll find the the the breastplate of righteousness
you'll G your loins with the truth you will put on the helmet of salvation you know that your feet will be shaw with the good news of Jesus you know and and like you put all of those things on and all of those are elements of your walk with uh with the Lord they elements of of your um you know being a child of God and so anyway uh highly recommend if anyone's out there and they're like yeah you know I'm part of the you know the warrior crew I'm part of the The Remnant but you aren't uh you aren't getting
into what you know what is required of you right right right yeah anyway so uh that is there is a requirement there's requirements and also that your life is going to be you're going to be tested you know and so if you're in a dark night of your soul if you're in a hopeless place you know get into the mash tent first of all this is we're in a we're in a a war this is a spiritual battle that's going on all of this that is going on uh you know that looks so hopeless out there on on the news and
you know social media and just this huge you feel like this is this tug of war between evil and good and you know the lies and this side lies and that side lies it's just it's it's just it's disgusting and now you know we're seeing things being um uncovered you know with these you know totally sexual deviant stuff that's going on and you know let me just tell you that this is a you know a tale as old as time you know this is this is you know a tale as old as time why because if you go way back in the Old Testament
this is what I'm saying read your Bible so that you know these things you learn uh what we're dealing with what we're dealing with is that that is how they worshiped Canaanite Gods back in the day these same kind Canaanite gods are being worshiped by you know our government officials yes B Bohemian Gro and Grove and California they're worshiping an effigy of molok you know this those are ancient Bohemian Gods why do we have a freaking bull in the financial district of New York City why because that's of B
I mean come on this is Old Testament old stuff this isn't you know new but what's happening is that it's now being the the covers are being pulled back and people are like who yuck why are these you know crazy weird sexual stuff everywhere and these Pride parades where people are you know uh uh doing sexual things in front of children and just this horrendously horrible stuff that you're like oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening this has been happening what's happening now is that it's being revealed so get
in the word get on your knees and do some battle in the in the spirit realm that that is huge but if you are in that hopeless place if you're living a wound wed if you're in a wounded moment right now it's okay to be in the mash tent to sit at the feet of Jesus to feel his Spirit Fall Like Rain on you and let him heal you um you know and and through those cracks and crevices and Brokenness in your life that's the light then shines through and um and and through you know someday when you're more healed
and in a more healed place you will be able to be a use ful um tool to bring glory to God's kingdom like you were saying we don't know uh you know Romans 8:28 we don't know what how God is going to use this but again it's a promise in God's word that you know whatever uh is going on in those who love God and are called according to his purpose that everything will work together for good ultimately you know even the bad stuff you know it works together for good so look at everything all the bad stuff
that's going on right now in the world and just know that ultimately Maybe not today maybe not tomorrow maybe not 70 years from now I don't know but just know that uh ultimately everything's going to work together for the good I mean so many people have you know on their you know their coffee mug Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you not to harm you plans to give you a hope in a future people have that on their sign you know from Ross or Marshalls or
they've got on their mug and they think well God's not going to allow hard stuff to befall me because look you know I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you but what people don't realize is that that passage in Jeremiah chapter 29 is that the Israelites were in captivity they were held in captivity they were living hard hard lives incredible hard stuff was happening to them and God said well Jeremiah says you're going to be in captivity for 70 more years 70 years
that means that people were going to be born into and live their entire lives and die into slavery they were not but God said listen I know I know that this sounds really bad and like I've abandoned you but I haven't I know the thoughts that I think about you I know the plans I have for you and I know that they are to give you a future and a hope you can't see the big picture I can and that's what that whole Jeremiah 29:11 is is that oh my gosh what if God leaves me in captivity for 70 years you know but
that that that is still part of his plan and that is um where that trust and that hope you know come in and um and that all things will work together for the good of those who love God and are called called according to his purpose and um and if you're watching this right now you love God and you are called according to his purpose and that means that what's going on in your life will ultimately work for the good but you know let the Lord grab a hold of you let him take control of what's going on and
you know let him heal you and let him you know heal your soul um and um I mean if it's it's if it's because choices that you're making that that this is happening to you um you know cry out to the Lord and uh give him that and and you know don't make those choices you know live live a you know a life that would be you know righteous and what the Lord's calling you to do um but all of the things are for work we'll work together for the good you know of those who are who love God and are called according to his
purpose so we just have to have the Hope um to know the Hope again the hope is placed in God the hope is to know that his promises are true and um yeah that's you know that and that's just my whole message my whole message is you know life is hard God is good don't confuse the two right yeah I'm going to display the um oh there it is can you tell people where this location will be um so this is in Bernie Texas and um it is going to be inside um a a shop a shop owner in Bernie Texas has has been
really kind to open her shop to us we may have to find a different location uh depending on how many women show up at this point there's been a bunch of women who have um who have uh um really expressed desire so we'll see we'll see how it it uh goes and we will see um who wants to come and learn how to read the Bible that's really what what we're going to do so we're going to read the Bible together and um we're going to learn how you know uh uh oftentimes when we go to a Bible study there will be a
teacher I'm not there to teach I'm not going to teach the Bible the holy spirit is our teacher I'll be there to facilitate and kind of move things along but basically we're going to read the Bible we're going to read a passage together and each week it'll be through the Bible we'll be reading passages but it'll uh the technique that we're going to use is going to help people read the scriptures for themselves um often times when you when you go go to a Bible study and you um have a teacher well it's
taught us to rely on the teacher to give us the fish so to speak right but um this is to teach you how to fish and um you know give a man a fish he eats for a day but teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime well that is the whole premise of this is to teach people how to fish and then ultimately become Fishers of Men it's to be a disciple to learn um it's to disciple so that then they can go and disciple and that they can teach others to read the word of God and um because like you said we're
living in times right now where we need these we we need to know we need to know uh you know hard hard stuff is coming stuff is coming and to know that you know that Jeremiah 29:11 hey I know that the the plans I have for you plans to prosper you and not to harm you and to give you a future and a hope to know though that even in hard times that is exactly what that scripture is for it's for the hardest of times so you're going to um okay I'm just trying to figure out so you're just gonna come and you're just gonna you're
gonna teach them I guess how to dig yeah so we're going to start out with certain passages um learning learning uh to be a disciple and learning how to disciple um by reading through the word we're going to read through the word and then we're going to um discuss what uh you know discuss a way that so if you're if you read take a passage of scripture and you read it read it again read it twice read it through then retell yourself the story okay what what was the story that I just read retell it to yourself okay
um and you can do this with somebody else too okay you read these together okay now let's retell the story what happened to you know uh you know what happened on the road to Damascus whatever whatever the story is retell it to yourself and then ask yourself in this passage what um what does this passage show us about God and what does this passage show us about the nature of men and um and from there then we can get a picture of what is you know and then you can move on you go on to the next passage so what is this what is the scripture you
know when you read it twice and then you retell it to yourself then it starts to get stuck oh yeah I remember why Jonah um you know was supposed to go to Nineveh okay and why was he going to go to Nineveh because these people were evil and they needed the good news the gospel preached to them and why didn't Jonah want to go there okay because of this and when you start reading the word with that in mind it starts making the word of God easier because I've heard from so many people who say well I've tried to read the
Bible but I don't really understand it or I've tried to read the Bible and it's really boring to me I totally get that that's nothing wrong with you that is happens to a lot of people but oftentimes it's because you just don't know how to dig in first you don't have the little TR that you need to start digging under the surface and um and so this is you know I'm I'm teaching you know just going to teach uh just this simple technique and um and then let the holy spirit guide you because that's
what that's what the holy spirit is there for you it's there for us you know the holy spirit is going to open this up and say okay well what did this say to you what did it show you about the nature of God whoa that's God's nature wow you know and what did this show you about how men react you know how or you know how how people react yeah that's good wow okay awesome and then you move on and you know anyway that is how you can then get little GL you get little glimpses of the heart of the Lord and
you know here I am uh after 30 years still reading the same old dusty book you know and still finding Revelation in it every single day every single day so right yeah that that is what I you can pick up the Bible have read the scripture right the same scripture you're reading now and then all of a sudden like you're getting a different Revelation from it and it's like really when it says that it's alive the word of God is alive is a double-edged sword I mean there's no lie to to that I think the difference is is
that now we're we can wrap this one up with this last topic which I really was hoping we get to him and it's uh you must be [Laughter] awaken I laugh because um I didn't understand why you know we were talking about this before we got on um why is it that I can see something someone else couldn't see why is it that I was understanding something that someone else wasn't understanding why is it that I do these things and you know they don't do this stuff and it's because I began my journey and you know
and trying to find out what what is this why why am I different and I started to realized that I had been spiritually awakened yeah and there was no need Okay so this will this will trigger some things but um often times we call for the call of Revival and I just never was connected to that word you know like I never was able to connect to it so much that I was like I have to investigate why this word bothers me and when I looked it up it says because it's it's raising someone up from the dead and I was like wait a
minute the Bible says I already died in Christ and came a life I am a new person now am I fully incomplete of that new person no it's a process but I know I'm there why because things have changed I no longer do these things I put away toys I speak different I conduct myself differently not because I'm purposely doing it because it happened I evolved in it and so um yeah so we be that whole thing began and I'm just like when I started to dig into the difference I realized that I have had a spiritual
awakening and there was no going back no you know so like Revival means I have to go back and and get a a AED scan pumped again Rev me here I am again and hopefully it'll stick this time right and so that that wasn't my life I didn't know what that was and when we're talking about you know reading the Bible and saying it's boring it's because there's still veiled eyes that the Lord has to remove so that you can actually see and then when you go to read the Bible you will see something different
right and so um one of of the biggest I guess um my messages is Awakening you know and it's not about just Awakening like wake up a region it's about wakening you and you can only do that by the truth you there's no other formula but the truth right so planting seeds of the word of God and allowing Holy Spirit to have something to germinate with right correct is how Awakening is performed so yeah do you want to touch on that well so yeah and and you know those are being awake right now is a really big buzzword
right we've got woke people who are woke and then we've got people who are awake and um being woke is something that is not uh you know being uh woke to um uh that that you know that's kind of synonymous with you know this liberalism or being uh not not political in any way but being um culturally um where people are going harder for culture than they are for Christ okay and um the the um being awake is something that's completely different and we find that a lot in what are called truther circles
or people who are maybe conspiracy theory minded or something like that right where where people have noticed that patterns are happening and they go whoa whoa whoa I recognize something or hey my um my liar meter my um BS meter is going off somebody's telling me something that's not true and and as I said like curtains are being pulled back blankets are being pulled back right now and we're seeing behind the curtain like whoa some of the stuff that we've been told growing up uh maybe even in school
whatever isn't true like whoa where's the truth right and and so that is what we talk about being awake is that you know that you know we were sleeping before we didn't realize you know people talk about well you know back when I was a kid uh things you know I would just ride my bike to the Minute Market and go get me some candy or whatever and I never even thought about this stuff this stuff was going on then too it's been going on the bottom line though that's happening now is that now we're just a
made aware and we're made aware because we're awake and um and people are at all different varying stages of uh sleep and awake and um uh I speak at some conferences and belong to some Circles of people who consider what they consider themselves truers and one thing that I have seen in that Community is that sometimes some people um think that they become arrogant they become self-righteous in their ability to decode or see you know see what's going on I can see this why can't anybody else see it they're such
idiots right that you that's what they say the people are so stupid they can't figure this out listen people are asleep uh uh people are blind to certain things and I did not wake myself up I don't know why I was woken up I was woken up for a purpose and if you are awake and if you can see um the agenda that's being pushed if you can if if if you are a person who can see then you have been woken up also and you didn't wake yourself up the something woke you up and um I believe that something is God and that you have
a calling on your life and for me um that is where again back to the word of God and I'm going to read from my phone I'm going to read from Ephesians chapter 5 okay and um you know people oh you know oh Sarah you know what is this being asleep stuff and you know how does that relate to being a Christian and you know uh Jesus is in control okay right so it says here that um it it says to to take no part in the worthless Deeds of evil and darkness but instead expose them that it's shameful the stuff that
they're doing in this it's shameful to even talk about the things that these ungodly people do in secret but their evil intentions will be exposed when the light shines on them right or the it says in verse 14 for the light makes everything visible this is why it is said awake o sleeper Rise Up from the dead and Christ will give you the light that is what happened is that I was awakened by Christ and I can see into these dark evil Corners what's going on why because Christ gave me the light to see it he's the one who turned
on the flashlight and if you can see it if you're awake if you can see see what's going on if you're even just Awakening now and you're just starting to see if you're starting to see these things and exposing these evil Wicked you know wickedness that we're seeing it's because Christ turned on the light for you and um and awake Oh Sleeper it's not my job to wake somebody up right I can't wake you up I don't possess the light is in me I do possess the light I possess the light that Christ gave me
right and in my Brokenness and all the shatters of this vessel that have happened throughout my life that light shines through um and helps illuminate for some other people and then their light helps illuminate for me and um but if somebody is asleep asleep that's I can't wake you up but what I can do is that when people awaken when they are awakened then they will start seeing if people go to my Instagram I post a lot of really cra stuff I have even a Christmas tree ornament that somebody sent me uh for an award for being in
Facebook jail for for um you know for I was a fa inmate of the Year Facebook jail but anyway um you can find me on Instagram it's Sarah amazinggrace that is where you will find me Sarah with an H Sarah Amazing Grace but underscores um in between and uh and you know that's what I do is that I preach the gospel I give people hope but then I also use the light that Christ gave me to illuminate and shine on what is going on why you know some somebody might ask me and has asked me Sarah why do you post this stuff why because there
are people who are just waking up who are just waking up who say to me Sarah how how do you find this stuff how do you know how do you know that this stuff is going on where do I even start going down a rabbit hole or whatever you know where do I even start looking into this stuff how how do you know this well that is what I'm doing I'm exposing those evil Deeds I'm shining the light and I'm being a light the light that Christ gave me that when you wake a wakeo sleeper that light will be given to you too and
then you'll start to see more and more of these things because that light starts shining in all the dark dirty corners and boy we're sweeping out those Corners we're we are you know and it's not just me there's you know tons of people who also have been given this but don't take um responsibility for the light you know that's true yeah yeah Christ is the light I'm just happen to be a a person who houses it I'm just a lighthouse exactly so if anyone is struggling with this part of their life um I
would uh suggest that you would ask the Lord you know to awaken you in those areas where you're still slumbering and um for purposes to be able to see you know the scripture um as it should be and um be able to walk this walk with Christ as we um as he desires us to yeah not how we you know because he sought us out first um he loved us first and yeah I don't think we had any intentions of being good and so you know he he is the one that you know performs that goodness in us and gives us the desire for that and so
you know Paul of often had say Seek to desire the spiritual gifts um there's nothing wrong with that and so I would definitely because being awakened is not just me waking up but there is a spiritual sense of Awakening um that opens up discernment um you know the of knowledge wisdom all the gifts come in from that but definitely would um ask the Lord for that for number one to be able to see his word clearer um when I began to study the word you know when I when I came and um just kind of like started off and I was a babe um I would
literally like put my hand over my eyes and I would say Lord open my eyes to see your word before I read his word every time and this wasn't something that someone showed me because there was um when I began to come to Christ I realized that there was something in me that was different right and so I didn't know what it was but then one day I was handed a book and uh I began to read it and I realized that I was I was Apostolic and that was what made me different and it's pretty much just living out a person who desire to live
their life as they did in the book of Acts and so when I began to read that I was like well this is why I feel different and no one could be able to teach me this because they were under denomination and what being Apostolic is not denominational and so um it took a while before I can find the apostolic group because people still were not believing in the fivefold and when you would question it it would be like oh um that's for another time and so we never because they didn't have answers because it wasn't performing in the church and
so I say this because God will lead you that's why I'm saying it I'm not saying it because I want you to start to venture off in things no I I'm just letting you know that the holy spirit will lead you to do things prophetically um not weird because we can be that too um but just like that you know God I desire that you open my eyes so that I can read your word so that I May understand your heart that I may understand your nature um and begin this this journey together with you always remember that
this is a relationship this is not this is not religion this is not my job this is not about a business this is a this is this is a relationship that I have with the Lord and I know that there's some of you that are going to watch this and have not yet given your life to Christ but yet you tune in to these live sessions so if that is you it is because the Lord has been calling you and your surrender is not as hard as you think it is I remember in my household um you know my it was Spanish and it was loud but when we would say that we
reconciled our life to Christ like they would say oh you know they went to church and they gave their life to Christ it was always a talk right and it was like oh we'll see you know but the bottom line of that was that there was a Reconciliation and the we see was the transformation I can't tell you that because I reconcile my life that I was automatically like this religious structure no like you reconcile your life and God will take you through the Journey of the process of redeeming your soul little by little addressing things
in the soul that have been picked up in our childhood in our adulthood whatever Hood it came from and begin to correct it he would take whatever is crooked and make it straight and I guarantee you that you don't even know it's crooked until he points it out and so it requires a relationship with the Lord and so yeah what a good show yes thanks for having me on this was good this was really good um can you tell everyone where to find you um you can find me well you can find the remedy with Sarah Amazing Grace
podcast anywhere major podcasts are heard um but you can also find me at Sarah amazing grace.com and uh that's my website you'll find there my um all of the episodes all the seasons of the podcast but also um yeah if you want if you want to enjoy the ride also find me on Instagram and follow me there and it's a it's a wild ride I will um I will just warn you about that but anyway yeah that so that's that's where you can find me is uh um I am on Facebook too but I'm uh more active on Instagram and uh I'm
not on Tik Tok I don't I don't mess with with that their I don't mess with their terms and services so I don't play with Tik Tok but um but you can find me on Instagram my website and anywh podcasts are heard the remedy with Sarah Amazing Grace and uh yeah and for all my Texas friends who are on my page um I'm not sure how close she is to you but check her out you know maybe stop by Wednesday and see what the Lord will do um yeah but it's been this was really really good Sarah thank you for coming on and
taking your time with us today thanks Iris it was it was really really great to be here so thanks for having me all right until next weekend we will be having another special guest make sure you subscribe and stay tuned for that message byebye
Sarah GreenProfile Photo

Sarah Green

My name is Sarah Grace, some know me as Sarah Amazing Grace, I’m your host! If you don’t know me yet, we’ll, it’s time we change that. My name is Sarah grace, some know me as Sarah amazing grace.

I am first and foremost saved by the amazing grace of Jesus, and I am not afraid to speak about him. Those who know me know, I’m not afraid to speak about much. I’m a pastors kid, I’ve been studying the Bible, and have been in the ministry in one form or fashion since I gave my life to Jesus. I’ve had several careers, from modeling, and behind the scenes clothing styling, to being a midwife/Doula, working in trauma medicine, clinical laboratory tech, to being an assistant to one of the top Lyme disease physicians, and top cardiopulmonary doctors. I bounced from acute medicine into a career of being a skin care professional and a more chill life creating a botanical skin care line. I’ve kind of done a little bit of a whole lot of things! Kind of makes me a great person to have on your Trivial Pursuit team.